Thursday, November 27, 2008

My eventful CAT scan

See, I knew there was a reason I was nervous. I don't get nervous about stuff like this unless there's a reason.

Here's how it went down - I sat in the waiting room for about fifteen minutes, watching CNN or whatever news show they had on (until our President Elect came on to give a speech, then I watched the floor) and the tech brought out a big styrofoam cup of vile liquid for me to drink. I sniffed of it and took a sip and glared at him as he told me he'd be back in about twenty minutes for me.

Managed to get all of said vile liquid down without throwing it back up (during which a fire alarm went off for at least two solid minutes, we never did find out what "Code Red in the (whatever) room" meant but the people in the office didn't seem concerned so I guess it didn't affect us) and the tech, true to his word, came back to get me. He also brought out another cup of vile liquid for the man sitting across from me, who wanted to know if that was the same stuff "that girl over there" (me) was making faces at. Heh. I snickered. Out loud. Sorry, dude.

So we walked to the room where I could change my clothes (actually they let me keep my clothes on - except for my bra - since I was wearing stuff with no zippers or snaps, go me!) so I took my bra off and sat around feeling like I was getting ready to audition for a very demeaning episode of the Jerry Springer show. The tech came back in and got me and we headed across the hall. He made small talk for a bit while he got stuff sat up - I found out that he used to come hang out (and get drunk) in the town that Will and I grew up in. Cool. I didn't ask him who he knew there, I didn't want to make too much of a connection with the guy who was seeing me in all my floppy braless glory, ya know?

But anyway, he finished getting everything ready and I laid back on the table (yes Beth, I had a pillow, thank goodness for that at least LOL). He made sure I had no shellfish allergies and told me I was crazy because I didn't like shrimp and crab and lobster, and asked to make sure I was not pregnant or nursing, then put the IV in my arm (took a few pokes, as usual) and explained to me about the machine. Ran the table in and did a few scans, and then ran the table back out and came over to put the dye through my IV. Explained what the dye was going to feel like, it would feel warm, possibly leave a metallic taste in the mouth, etc etc. Turned the dye drip on (or whatever they do) and had me put my arm back above my head and ran the table back into the machine.

(Here's where things get eventful.)

The machine tells you several times to breathe, then to breathe in and hold your breath and it counts down how long you need to hold your breath. I had done this a couple of times already so I was watching the numbers count down until I could breathe again and thinking "Dang, I wonder if this stuff is going to hurt going through the rest of my body as much as it does my arm?" About that time he walks over to me and says "What the?.....SHIT!" Erm, that's seriously not what I wanted to hear come out of your mouth, dude. He ran to the back of the room and I laid there wondering if I was having an allergic reaction and was about to pass out, or what, and he came up and grabbed my arm and yanked the IV out and muttered something along the lines of "Does that not HURT?!?" and then I glanced at my arm and it looked like a freaking baseball was laying on my upper arm.

My vein had blown and all the dye went straight into my arm instead of my bloodstream. So of course when I realized that this amount of pain was not normal and was not going to go away any time soon, suddenly it was unbearable. I'm glad he had already removed the IV because I probably would have yanked it out myself trying to get my arm back to normal. (BTW, this is why I can't have codiene because I have this kind of uncontrollable panicked reaction to stuff.)

I sat up for a few minutes while he went and got somebody to confer with (who it was, I have no idea - though I'm sure he told me LOL). I got myself calmed back down enough to finish the CAT scan (but NOT with another attempt at the needle and dye, thank goodness. That would not have gone over well at that point) so I hope and pray they got the pictures that they needed.

I had to sit in a room for a bit with a warm washcloth on my arm until they felt comfortable enough to send me home. Then I had to put my bra back on (AGONY!!!!! I literally could not make my arm reach all the way over to my body, I really doubt I even got the thing on straight) and drive home - a 45 minute drive. I propped my arm up as best I could and made it home, but it wasn't easy. Came in and the kids were just finishing up hanging the last of the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Awww.

One of them said "Mama? What's wrong with your arm?" and that's when I burst into tears. Will took one look at me and told me to go lay down. So I did. I spent the rest of the day in bed watching movies (and napping) while they all waited on me. That was one good thing about it I guess. Heh.

Oh and Dana's such a doll, she didn't know that I had already made the desserts to take to Thanksgiving dinner ahead of time (because I knew - see! I knew - I wasn't going to feel like it after my CAT scan) so she came in there and nervously said "Mama, if you'll tell me how to make the banana pudding and the lemon bars, I'll try my best to make them for you if Daddy will help me." **melt** She was so relieved when I told her they were already taken care of.

The swelling was about 95% gone when I got up this morning, thank God for that. I was able to drive to dinner without any problems, I just had to keep my arm propped up on a jacket on top of the arm rest and remind Nathan a dozen times not to bang my arm (he sits up front now).

And now I need to go load the dishwasher, do my reading, and go to bed. I'm tired.

A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all!


Unknown said...

Oh MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!! You poor poor thing!!!!!! You must have scared the crap out of him!!!!!!
And poor you!! And Sweet Sweet Dana...

ANy idea when you'll get the results?

Saving The Day said...

Hey, sweetie! I've been on the road, but thinking of you non-stop! I'm glad the test is over but gosh ... why can't things ever just go off without a hitch?! erg!

So now we're just waiting for the results? More prayers and positive thoughts coming your way, hon!
