Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Well, Christmas is over

Though we still have one more family to get together with - our friends John and Stacie and their 4 yo daughter. Not sure when we'll see them. We had talked about getting together tomorrow but nothing more has been said about it, so I don't know. I still have to pick up a gift for the daughter.

We had a pretty good time here. We went to SIL's house for Christmas with Will's family on Christmas Eve, hung out there for a few hours then went to the Christmas service at church and came home to open our gifts to each other. Then we got up Christmas morning to see what the kids got from Santa (Santa only brings one gift for each kid, the rest is from us). We didn't have anywhere we had to be on Christmas day, that was so nice. The kids were able to just hang around and play all day.

Sunday we went to church (and I desperately wished I didn't have to teach, as my sinuses have been haywire for a few days, but alas) and then headed to my folks' house for Christmas with my family. Got to meet my nephew's new girlfriend, and ooh and ahh over his good grades last semester (his first year at college was NOT so good, LOL, so we were proud). His girlfriend's a pretty little thing, really quiet. Though I wish somebody would tell today's young folks that dyed black hair just does not look good. Oh and I took Dana's birthday cake with us so everybody could see it and sing happy birthday to her. That made her day. :)

Let's see if I can remember what all the kids got -


New clothes
DVD player (we have to get a converter box for it though, her TV's too old to hook up to it)
Bunch of DVDs
Some girlie looking notepads, pencils, folders, etc
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
Cabbage Patch doll
Littlest Pet Shop game and puzzle set
Doll stroller


New clothes
DVD player
Bunch of DVDs (I think he's watched Speed Racer a dozen times this weekend alone LOL)
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
Heroscape game set (the Marvel set with Hulk/Abomination, Spiderman/Venom, etc)
Hot wheels
A dragon and a couple of knights
Couple of small K'nex sets
Remote controlled cars


New clothes
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
HUMONGOUS Mega Blocks castle set - I couldn't believe how huge that thing was when it came in. Regularly $80, I got it for $23.
A dragon and a couple of knights
Hot wheels
Cars and trucks set

There was some other stuff they opened at various places that was opened in such a flurry I don't even remember what all it was.

Will gave me the second season of the XFiles on DVD. Looooove it! I've watched it all already, except for the final episode which is a cliffhanger (I don't have the 3rd season to move into yet, so I don't want to torture myself LOL). My mom gave us a new microwave (remember that ours caught on fire?) and a new set of sheets. SIL knit me a pretty scarf/wrap. MIL gave us a framed picture of her and FIL (a rarity, FIL hated to have his picture taken). Will found a deer feeder on clearance and bought it, so that was my gift to him. Heh. His sister also gave him a black.....oh shoot, what's that hat called like Jamie on Mythbusters wears? One of those (Will shaves his head in the summer and wears a goatee, so it's a running joke that he's trying to look like Jamie) but it was too small so Dana wears it LOL. She looks cute.

Will and Dana are out delivering his annual pumpkin bread gifts to all his friends today. The boys are sitting here watching Scooby Doo and I'm coughing my head off and slathering up with Vicks rub. Good times.

Tomorrow is Will's birthday, I need to make him his cheesecake but I don't even know if we have room in the fridge for it. Might have to do that tomorrow morning instead. Can't believe we're at the end of another year! I mean, seriously. Time flies SO fast these days.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Young people these days"?

Sweetie... we're not THAT old yet.

I hope you're feeling better soon. 2009 is going to be an amazing year!!!

Oh - and I'm SO glad you got your microwave!!!