...my sister's big news. She's getting married! If you only KNEW my sister, you would understand why that's a big deal. A very big deal.
She's been dating this guy for 9 years. He was married before (has two sons in their 20s) and his ex is a LOON and he always swore he would never get married again. As long as it's been, we just assumed he meant what he said and would always be her "friend" Russell (I refuse to call a 40-something year old man a boyfriend LOL). So Sunday I'm standing in mom's kitchen frosting Dana's cake, and my sister said from behind me "Oh, Susan..." like she was going to tell me to make sure I didn't forget about the rolls in the oven or something. I said "Yeah?" and she said "Russell and I are getting married." It took about three seconds for it to sink it what she had just said, then I dropped the spatula and jumped back about two feet and yelled "SHUT UP!" She about died laughing.
(Oh, and Beth - that 'young people these days' was completely subconcious. I had to go back to my post to see what you were talking about. HA. I think that makes it even more sad.)
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Well, Christmas is over
Though we still have one more family to get together with - our friends John and Stacie and their 4 yo daughter. Not sure when we'll see them. We had talked about getting together tomorrow but nothing more has been said about it, so I don't know. I still have to pick up a gift for the daughter.
We had a pretty good time here. We went to SIL's house for Christmas with Will's family on Christmas Eve, hung out there for a few hours then went to the Christmas service at church and came home to open our gifts to each other. Then we got up Christmas morning to see what the kids got from Santa (Santa only brings one gift for each kid, the rest is from us). We didn't have anywhere we had to be on Christmas day, that was so nice. The kids were able to just hang around and play all day.
Sunday we went to church (and I desperately wished I didn't have to teach, as my sinuses have been haywire for a few days, but alas) and then headed to my folks' house for Christmas with my family. Got to meet my nephew's new girlfriend, and ooh and ahh over his good grades last semester (his first year at college was NOT so good, LOL, so we were proud). His girlfriend's a pretty little thing, really quiet. Though I wish somebody would tell today's young folks that dyed black hair just does not look good. Oh and I took Dana's birthday cake with us so everybody could see it and sing happy birthday to her. That made her day. :)
Let's see if I can remember what all the kids got -
New clothes
DVD player (we have to get a converter box for it though, her TV's too old to hook up to it)
Bunch of DVDs
Some girlie looking notepads, pencils, folders, etc
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
Cabbage Patch doll
Littlest Pet Shop game and puzzle set
Doll stroller
New clothes
DVD player
Bunch of DVDs (I think he's watched Speed Racer a dozen times this weekend alone LOL)
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
Heroscape game set (the Marvel set with Hulk/Abomination, Spiderman/Venom, etc)
Hot wheels
A dragon and a couple of knights
Couple of small K'nex sets
Remote controlled cars
New clothes
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
HUMONGOUS Mega Blocks castle set - I couldn't believe how huge that thing was when it came in. Regularly $80, I got it for $23.
A dragon and a couple of knights
Hot wheels
Cars and trucks set
There was some other stuff they opened at various places that was opened in such a flurry I don't even remember what all it was.
Will gave me the second season of the XFiles on DVD. Looooove it! I've watched it all already, except for the final episode which is a cliffhanger (I don't have the 3rd season to move into yet, so I don't want to torture myself LOL). My mom gave us a new microwave (remember that ours caught on fire?) and a new set of sheets. SIL knit me a pretty scarf/wrap. MIL gave us a framed picture of her and FIL (a rarity, FIL hated to have his picture taken). Will found a deer feeder on clearance and bought it, so that was my gift to him. Heh. His sister also gave him a black.....oh shoot, what's that hat called like Jamie on Mythbusters wears? One of those (Will shaves his head in the summer and wears a goatee, so it's a running joke that he's trying to look like Jamie) but it was too small so Dana wears it LOL. She looks cute.
Will and Dana are out delivering his annual pumpkin bread gifts to all his friends today. The boys are sitting here watching Scooby Doo and I'm coughing my head off and slathering up with Vicks rub. Good times.
Tomorrow is Will's birthday, I need to make him his cheesecake but I don't even know if we have room in the fridge for it. Might have to do that tomorrow morning instead. Can't believe we're at the end of another year! I mean, seriously. Time flies SO fast these days.
We had a pretty good time here. We went to SIL's house for Christmas with Will's family on Christmas Eve, hung out there for a few hours then went to the Christmas service at church and came home to open our gifts to each other. Then we got up Christmas morning to see what the kids got from Santa (Santa only brings one gift for each kid, the rest is from us). We didn't have anywhere we had to be on Christmas day, that was so nice. The kids were able to just hang around and play all day.
Sunday we went to church (and I desperately wished I didn't have to teach, as my sinuses have been haywire for a few days, but alas) and then headed to my folks' house for Christmas with my family. Got to meet my nephew's new girlfriend, and ooh and ahh over his good grades last semester (his first year at college was NOT so good, LOL, so we were proud). His girlfriend's a pretty little thing, really quiet. Though I wish somebody would tell today's young folks that dyed black hair just does not look good. Oh and I took Dana's birthday cake with us so everybody could see it and sing happy birthday to her. That made her day. :)
Let's see if I can remember what all the kids got -
New clothes
DVD player (we have to get a converter box for it though, her TV's too old to hook up to it)
Bunch of DVDs
Some girlie looking notepads, pencils, folders, etc
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
Cabbage Patch doll
Littlest Pet Shop game and puzzle set
Doll stroller
New clothes
DVD player
Bunch of DVDs (I think he's watched Speed Racer a dozen times this weekend alone LOL)
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
Heroscape game set (the Marvel set with Hulk/Abomination, Spiderman/Venom, etc)
Hot wheels
A dragon and a couple of knights
Couple of small K'nex sets
Remote controlled cars
New clothes
Coloring books
Crayons, markers, coloring pencils
Fruit, nuts, candy, cookies
HUMONGOUS Mega Blocks castle set - I couldn't believe how huge that thing was when it came in. Regularly $80, I got it for $23.
A dragon and a couple of knights
Hot wheels
Cars and trucks set
There was some other stuff they opened at various places that was opened in such a flurry I don't even remember what all it was.
Will gave me the second season of the XFiles on DVD. Looooove it! I've watched it all already, except for the final episode which is a cliffhanger (I don't have the 3rd season to move into yet, so I don't want to torture myself LOL). My mom gave us a new microwave (remember that ours caught on fire?) and a new set of sheets. SIL knit me a pretty scarf/wrap. MIL gave us a framed picture of her and FIL (a rarity, FIL hated to have his picture taken). Will found a deer feeder on clearance and bought it, so that was my gift to him. Heh. His sister also gave him a black.....oh shoot, what's that hat called like Jamie on Mythbusters wears? One of those (Will shaves his head in the summer and wears a goatee, so it's a running joke that he's trying to look like Jamie) but it was too small so Dana wears it LOL. She looks cute.
Will and Dana are out delivering his annual pumpkin bread gifts to all his friends today. The boys are sitting here watching Scooby Doo and I'm coughing my head off and slathering up with Vicks rub. Good times.
Tomorrow is Will's birthday, I need to make him his cheesecake but I don't even know if we have room in the fridge for it. Might have to do that tomorrow morning instead. Can't believe we're at the end of another year! I mean, seriously. Time flies SO fast these days.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
That's how long it took me to finish wrapping gifts today. Cripes! And our kids don't even get that much stuff.
I think they're going to like everything. I'll wait until after Christmas to list everything, in case I have wandering eyes behind me sometime when I'm on here.
Mel, I got your card, thanks! Ya'll make a good looking couple. :)
I think they're going to like everything. I'll wait until after Christmas to list everything, in case I have wandering eyes behind me sometime when I'm on here.
Mel, I got your card, thanks! Ya'll make a good looking couple. :)
Monday, December 22, 2008
Surgery has been cancelled. I do have a hernia - two of them, in fact - and the bowel is involved, which is not good, but he won't do the surgery because he doesn't think he can repair it and it stay fixed. If I, and I quote, "Lose 50 lbs or so" I can go back and he'll take another look at it.
Yeah, I want to kill myself to lose a bunch of weight to have a surgery, and then spend the rest of my life terrified that if I gain it back (which I always do) then I'll be in even worse trouble. NOT. So, screw off dude. Guess I'll just do what I always do - deal with the pain and live my life as best I can.
In better news, Will's interview went really well. The guy told him they'll probably get back with him within the next couple of days. He says the job sounds really interesting, which is always a plus. He hates working somewhere where he's bored.
He's going to take the kids to his mom's tomorrow while I wrap presents. I haven't wrapped ANYthing yet, so it's a good two - three hour project. Not to mention, I have to remember where I hid everything and dig it out first. Heh.
That's it for today. Oh, no it's not. I tried my tiechel on, finally managed to get it on with the neat little bun thing at the back (with my hair braided) and wore it for a while. It's pretty comfortable, for which I'm thankful because I get a headache just wearing a headband. I'll start wearing it to church after the new year. (Since I'm teaching this month, I don't want to wear it in class. Some people might think that's a little too out there LOL.)
Yeah, I want to kill myself to lose a bunch of weight to have a surgery, and then spend the rest of my life terrified that if I gain it back (which I always do) then I'll be in even worse trouble. NOT. So, screw off dude. Guess I'll just do what I always do - deal with the pain and live my life as best I can.
In better news, Will's interview went really well. The guy told him they'll probably get back with him within the next couple of days. He says the job sounds really interesting, which is always a plus. He hates working somewhere where he's bored.
He's going to take the kids to his mom's tomorrow while I wrap presents. I haven't wrapped ANYthing yet, so it's a good two - three hour project. Not to mention, I have to remember where I hid everything and dig it out first. Heh.
That's it for today. Oh, no it's not. I tried my tiechel on, finally managed to get it on with the neat little bun thing at the back (with my hair braided) and wore it for a while. It's pretty comfortable, for which I'm thankful because I get a headache just wearing a headband. I'll start wearing it to church after the new year. (Since I'm teaching this month, I don't want to wear it in class. Some people might think that's a little too out there LOL.)
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Saturday's stuff
Funny story about the stoopid dog while I'm thinking about it. Monday we got iced in, right? I had already made an amazon order Sunday night, planning to deposit the check we got from Will's grandma Monday morning, so when I realized I wasn't going to be making it to town I went to put the check in the mail to the bank. Since I have to drive down to the bottom of the driveway to get to the mailbox, I was taking Jacob with me. I carefully went down the steps of the porch and told Jake to wait until I had gotten to the bottom, then to hang onto the rail with one hand and my arm with the other to walk down. Well, I turned around to help him after I got to the bottom, and Oreo ran up and sat on his feet and bared her teeth at me. She would NOT let that child go down the steps. I would step away a few steps and call her to me, and by the time I got back to the porch she would be up there sitting on his feet again. I finally had to walk around to the other side of the porch and lift him down.
I think I've finally got all my Christmas cards in the mail. I had to to redo the last batch of them, the picture printed out too big and I didn't realize it until after I had started to glue them down and they were hanging off the edge. And I did the plate for my sister last night, got up this morning and realized the colors had bled so half of the castle (I made her a decorative plate with Edinburgh Castle on it) is bright green. UGH. And the picture I used is on the old computer, so now I have to wait until Will can hook it back up and transfer pictures, else I have to pay to download the picture again. DOUBLE UGH. And, I'm out of color ink so I have to wait until I can get some more to print it anyway. TRIPLE UGH.
In the good news, Will pulled two A's and three B's this semester. He is FLOORED. If his grades next semester are good enough, he can graduate with a 3.0 or higher. He never thought that would happen (he had less than a 2.0 going into this school).
In the not-so-good news, major layoffs at his company are a very real concern right now. Their sister company down the road from his location just laid off everybody that had been there less than 8 years, had a lot of "occurences" (like getting in late, taking days off without vacation time, etc) , and some other stuff that I don't remember now - and they said his location is next. He says he'll just go on unemployment until after this next semester if he gets laid off, but I know he would never be able to bring in as much on unemployment, and we're barely scraping by right now. Not good. But, he still has that interview coming up Monday so it may not affect him anyway.
I think the post office has lost one of my packages. I got a notice that they had two packages for me to pick up, but when Will went in to get them they could only find one. I've got to chase all the kids out of the room and see what all I've ordered that we've gotten in already and what's still missing I guess.
We watched 'Facing the Giants' the other night. Will had already seen it but I hadn't. I liked the storyline, though the acting left a lot to be desired. My favorite parts were the state championship game, where the player went down the line yelling "STONE WALL! STONE WALL!" (it tied into Nehemiah rebuilding the temple walls); and at the end where the coach was on his knees, covering his head and crying "God, I'm overwhelmed!" I've been at that place before, so that part was very real to me.
'End of the Spear' was also good (I could do without the dream I had afterward though, ugh). I especially liked the scenes of the real people that played over the credits. Myncaye's perception of drive-thru restaurants, and grocery stores, was absolutely hysterical. Oh and his wife complaining that when he came back, he was too fat to even go hunt anymore, he just laid down by a tree and groaned? BWAH.
The kids are out for Christmas break, yay! I made Nathan bring his glasses home (he only has to wear them in class) so I can take a picture of him in them over break. He looks so cute in them. They went to the dentist yesterday, no cavities and Dana got her final silver tooth pulled since it's been loose for months but won't come out. She's glad to have an all white smile again.
Will's taking tomorrow night off work since he has that interview Monday morning (he couldn't take just a half day) so maybe he'll go to church with us tomorrow morning. I'll be teaching, but it'd still be nice to have him there.
Gotta go fix lunch now I guess. Quesadillas and beef soup. Mmmm.
I think I've finally got all my Christmas cards in the mail. I had to to redo the last batch of them, the picture printed out too big and I didn't realize it until after I had started to glue them down and they were hanging off the edge. And I did the plate for my sister last night, got up this morning and realized the colors had bled so half of the castle (I made her a decorative plate with Edinburgh Castle on it) is bright green. UGH. And the picture I used is on the old computer, so now I have to wait until Will can hook it back up and transfer pictures, else I have to pay to download the picture again. DOUBLE UGH. And, I'm out of color ink so I have to wait until I can get some more to print it anyway. TRIPLE UGH.
In the good news, Will pulled two A's and three B's this semester. He is FLOORED. If his grades next semester are good enough, he can graduate with a 3.0 or higher. He never thought that would happen (he had less than a 2.0 going into this school).
In the not-so-good news, major layoffs at his company are a very real concern right now. Their sister company down the road from his location just laid off everybody that had been there less than 8 years, had a lot of "occurences" (like getting in late, taking days off without vacation time, etc) , and some other stuff that I don't remember now - and they said his location is next. He says he'll just go on unemployment until after this next semester if he gets laid off, but I know he would never be able to bring in as much on unemployment, and we're barely scraping by right now. Not good. But, he still has that interview coming up Monday so it may not affect him anyway.
I think the post office has lost one of my packages. I got a notice that they had two packages for me to pick up, but when Will went in to get them they could only find one. I've got to chase all the kids out of the room and see what all I've ordered that we've gotten in already and what's still missing I guess.
We watched 'Facing the Giants' the other night. Will had already seen it but I hadn't. I liked the storyline, though the acting left a lot to be desired. My favorite parts were the state championship game, where the player went down the line yelling "STONE WALL! STONE WALL!" (it tied into Nehemiah rebuilding the temple walls); and at the end where the coach was on his knees, covering his head and crying "God, I'm overwhelmed!" I've been at that place before, so that part was very real to me.
'End of the Spear' was also good (I could do without the dream I had afterward though, ugh). I especially liked the scenes of the real people that played over the credits. Myncaye's perception of drive-thru restaurants, and grocery stores, was absolutely hysterical. Oh and his wife complaining that when he came back, he was too fat to even go hunt anymore, he just laid down by a tree and groaned? BWAH.
The kids are out for Christmas break, yay! I made Nathan bring his glasses home (he only has to wear them in class) so I can take a picture of him in them over break. He looks so cute in them. They went to the dentist yesterday, no cavities and Dana got her final silver tooth pulled since it's been loose for months but won't come out. She's glad to have an all white smile again.
Will's taking tomorrow night off work since he has that interview Monday morning (he couldn't take just a half day) so maybe he'll go to church with us tomorrow morning. I'll be teaching, but it'd still be nice to have him there.
Gotta go fix lunch now I guess. Quesadillas and beef soup. Mmmm.
Friday, December 19, 2008
He got a ***B*** in calculus!!!!!
He made a 77 on his final, so not only did he have that grade, he got to replace his lowest test grade with a 77 as well. He ended up with a B! I'm so proud!!!
I think we are finished shopping for Christmas, except for a gift for our friends' daughter. We don't get together with them until the new year, so I've got a little time still. I'm glad to be done!
I think we are finished shopping for Christmas, except for a gift for our friends' daughter. We don't get together with them until the new year, so I've got a little time still. I'm glad to be done!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Good ramblings (mostly) today
Will finally got his reimbursement check from Entergy today (they wanted everyone to fill out forms for the gas to get to the airport, etc) and his cousin Lynn's Christmas card and check arrived today, so between the two we should be able to finish up our Christmas shopping and still be able to pay a few bills this week. Woo!
He was able to finally take his final last night. He doesn't know yet what his grade was, but he doesn't really care as long as it was enough to pass the class LOL.
Thanks Betchie for mentioned the SANTA code at restaurant.com. I got three $10 gc's today for .60 each. Nice to see that our fave BBQ place (owned by people we go to church with) was on there now! Plus a couple of places up here close to home.
My doctor's appointment was rescheduled for next Monday morning.
Small, petty rant - why is it that Will's cousin has to invite just him to lunch all the time? I would like to have a paid lunch out too sometime. *pout*
The kids have one more day of school before break. Dana made us a beautiful white wreath with a red bow at school. We've got it in here hanging above the tree.
I think supper's about done. I hope so, I'm starving. Will did all the cooking today. I'm so blessed with him. It's hard for me to be on my feet for more than just a few minutes anymore (did I tell ya'll I came home and threw up after the grocery store last week? Ugh) so it really helps me out to have him cook for us.
He was able to finally take his final last night. He doesn't know yet what his grade was, but he doesn't really care as long as it was enough to pass the class LOL.
Thanks Betchie for mentioned the SANTA code at restaurant.com. I got three $10 gc's today for .60 each. Nice to see that our fave BBQ place (owned by people we go to church with) was on there now! Plus a couple of places up here close to home.
My doctor's appointment was rescheduled for next Monday morning.
Small, petty rant - why is it that Will's cousin has to invite just him to lunch all the time? I would like to have a paid lunch out too sometime. *pout*
The kids have one more day of school before break. Dana made us a beautiful white wreath with a red bow at school. We've got it in here hanging above the tree.
I think supper's about done. I hope so, I'm starving. Will did all the cooking today. I'm so blessed with him. It's hard for me to be on my feet for more than just a few minutes anymore (did I tell ya'll I came home and threw up after the grocery store last week? Ugh) so it really helps me out to have him cook for us.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Arkansas weather, garrrr
Got iced in yesterday morning. So I didn't make it to my doctor's appointment, the kids got out of school early, and Will wasn't able to go take his Calculus final. Dana was upset that they had to miss the GT party, so now she doesn't know when she'll get her ipod. And now we have approximately one million chocolate chip oatmeal cookies sitting around.
It was supposed to get up warm enough to rain today, but it never got above 29*, so I don't know yet if the kids will have school tomorrow or not. Hopefully they will, even if it's with a delay, they're driving each other crazy. And me.
Thanks for the addresses! I got my cards made today, so whenever we can get out and get stamps I'll get these in the mail. :) They turned out very nice, if I do say so myself.
It was supposed to get up warm enough to rain today, but it never got above 29*, so I don't know yet if the kids will have school tomorrow or not. Hopefully they will, even if it's with a delay, they're driving each other crazy. And me.
Thanks for the addresses! I got my cards made today, so whenever we can get out and get stamps I'll get these in the mail. :) They turned out very nice, if I do say so myself.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Just stuff
Why can't my helpers at church figure out that they need to help me? Only one girl showed up in class again today, and I know her sister was there because I saw her walk by. What the? Ugh. At least we only had six kids today, it wasn't nearly as hectic as last week when we had ten. I think the children's church coordinator was as irritated as I was about it though, so maybe something will get done.
For those of you who are as big of Veggie Tales fans as I am, if you haven't rented/watched The Ballad of Little Joe yet, you need to do so ASAP, if for no reason other than the silly song. Larry, Jr. Asparagus, and a couple of the gourds as N'Sync. With the hair, and the funky beards, and the clothes, and the posing, and everything. Freaking hilarious.
Why do McDonald's french fries sometimes give me heartburn? That's annoying.
Dana has to take cookies to school twice this week, for two different parties. I went ahead and made a double batch of chocolate chip oatmeal tonight so I don't have to worry about it later. Now I just have to figure out where to hide them so that they last until she's supposed to take them.
Will's grandma sent us $60 to shop for the kids for her (she's been in the hospital) so now I get to go ahead and go all out getting them a bunch of coloring books and new crayons, markers, coloring pencils like I wanted to. Yay! I love having kids that are still thrilled with "simple" gifts like that. (And yes, they will know these are from Grandma, I don't just give them stuff and let them think it's all from us no matter who paid for it.)
I've been watching the commentaries and bonus features for Lord of the Rings lately. The more I see of Viggo Mortenson, the more I like him. He seems like such a caring and genuine person, for lack of a better description.
coveryourhair.com was having a sale last week on Israeli tiechels, and I've been wanting to get one for a while, so I ordered one. Black and silver. That will go nicely with my hair, don't ya think? Heh. I'm going to start wearing it (just to church) after the New Year.
I got started on my Christmas cards last night. Betch, you still need to email me your new address. I think they're going to be really pretty. Mel, if you want one, email me your addy too! Do they have a setting on here where you can email someone without having to post an email addy?
Nik, I got your Christmas card the other day. Those eyes!!!!!! They just leapt out of the envelope at me. Very nice pictures.
Will's last final is tomorrow. Calculus. The bane of his existence. Please pray he makes a 60 or higher, I think that's what he figured out he has to make to pass the class with a C. I cannot bear the thought of another semester. I just can't. He still has to take Cal 2 in the spring, but being a senior he had first choice at classes and he was able to get in with the teacher that actually, you know, explains this crap so that people can understand it. So if he can just make it through this test, and pass the class, next semester should be pretty easy.
Geez, I've been sitting here working on this blog (and looking up coloring books on amazon) for half an hour? Guess I need to start getting ready for bed.
For those of you who are as big of Veggie Tales fans as I am, if you haven't rented/watched The Ballad of Little Joe yet, you need to do so ASAP, if for no reason other than the silly song. Larry, Jr. Asparagus, and a couple of the gourds as N'Sync. With the hair, and the funky beards, and the clothes, and the posing, and everything. Freaking hilarious.
Why do McDonald's french fries sometimes give me heartburn? That's annoying.
Dana has to take cookies to school twice this week, for two different parties. I went ahead and made a double batch of chocolate chip oatmeal tonight so I don't have to worry about it later. Now I just have to figure out where to hide them so that they last until she's supposed to take them.
Will's grandma sent us $60 to shop for the kids for her (she's been in the hospital) so now I get to go ahead and go all out getting them a bunch of coloring books and new crayons, markers, coloring pencils like I wanted to. Yay! I love having kids that are still thrilled with "simple" gifts like that. (And yes, they will know these are from Grandma, I don't just give them stuff and let them think it's all from us no matter who paid for it.)
I've been watching the commentaries and bonus features for Lord of the Rings lately. The more I see of Viggo Mortenson, the more I like him. He seems like such a caring and genuine person, for lack of a better description.
coveryourhair.com was having a sale last week on Israeli tiechels, and I've been wanting to get one for a while, so I ordered one. Black and silver. That will go nicely with my hair, don't ya think? Heh. I'm going to start wearing it (just to church) after the New Year.
I got started on my Christmas cards last night. Betch, you still need to email me your new address. I think they're going to be really pretty. Mel, if you want one, email me your addy too! Do they have a setting on here where you can email someone without having to post an email addy?
Nik, I got your Christmas card the other day. Those eyes!!!!!! They just leapt out of the envelope at me. Very nice pictures.
Will's last final is tomorrow. Calculus. The bane of his existence. Please pray he makes a 60 or higher, I think that's what he figured out he has to make to pass the class with a C. I cannot bear the thought of another semester. I just can't. He still has to take Cal 2 in the spring, but being a senior he had first choice at classes and he was able to get in with the teacher that actually, you know, explains this crap so that people can understand it. So if he can just make it through this test, and pass the class, next semester should be pretty easy.
Geez, I've been sitting here working on this blog (and looking up coloring books on amazon) for half an hour? Guess I need to start getting ready for bed.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Just read Betchie's blog
So now I have to do the 50 things.
50 random things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!
1. Do you like cheese? Ohhhh yes. Love it. All sorts.
2. Have you ever smoked? Yes, a long time ago. Took me forever to learn how to inhale. Heh.
3. Do you own a gun? Yup. Several of them.
4. Do you like listening to Christmas music? Love it.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Depends on what the appt's for.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Like them. I only eat Hebrew Nat'l now though.
7. Favorite Christmas song? You gotta be kidding me. I could fill a page with my "favorite" Christmas songs. Little Drummer Boy and O Holy Night are two off the top of my head.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Depends on what I'm having for breakfast. Either milk or iced tea, occasionally juice.
9. Can you do push ups? Yes.
10. Who is your favorite Grey's Anatomy Character? Never watched it.
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring.
12. Favorite hobby? Reading, I guess. I'm not even sure I have a hobby anymore. Does couponing count? LOL.
13. Do you eat "exotic" foods? If deer and caribou are exotic, then yes.
14. Do you have A.D.D.? No.
15. What one trait do you hate about yourself? Lack of self-worth. (Ha, is that an ironic answer?)
16. Middle Name? Danielle. When I was little I pronounced it "Danny-ell." Yes I'm that Southern.
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? My neck hurts. My head hurts. I wish all the groceries were put away.
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday? Yesterday? Nothing, nothing, and nothing. Didn't have any money yesterday.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Iced tea, milk, water.
20. Current worry right now? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ - I hear ya, sister.
21. Current hate? Defiant children. I can handle dang near anything but a deliberately defiant kid, I just want to knock their teeth out.
22. Favorite place to be? In a clean, clutter free environment. I'm hardly ever there. Sigh.
23. How did you bring in the New Year? Uhhhhhh...... I've no idea. I've slept since then.
24. Where would you like to go? On an Alaskan cruise.
25. Name three people who will complete this? I doubt three people even read this. Heh.
26. Do you own flip flops? Yuck, hate them. No.
27. What shirt are you wearing? A purple tunic.
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Not sure that I ever have.
29. Can you whistle? Sort of. Not very well.
30. Favorite color? Jewel tones.
31. Would you be a pirate? Probably not. If I was one, I wouldn't do anything.
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't take showers.
33. Favorite girl's name? Natalia (Talia for short) and Olivia. You'll note that neither of these names belongs to my daughter. Will hated them. Sigh.
34. Favorite boy's name? Seth.
35. What's in your pocket right now? A safety pin. Jacob was having me pin a small afghan around him like a cape yesterday and I forgot to put the pin away.
36. Last thing that made you laugh? The boys, but I don't remember for what.
37. Best bed sheets as a child? I have no idea.
38. Worst injury you've ever had? Broken ankle, I still have a pin in it.
39. Do you love where you live? As long as the electricity isn't out, sure.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 4, one in each bedroom and the living room.
41. Who is your loudest friend? Nathan.
42. How many dogs do you have? One stoopid dog named Oreo.
43. Does someone have a crush on you? Well sure. He's had a crush on me for 16 years now. :P
44. Hmmm.. there's not a 44. I'll make one up. Do you get embarrassed easily? Hm, depends on what happens I think.
45. What is your favorite book? Lordie. I have shelves full of books that are my "favorite".
46. What is your favorite candy? Twix, if I had to choose one.
47. Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince theme song? Never could get into Fresh Prince. Will used to watch it though. I like to laugh at the stacked hair in reruns.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? You Led Me by Barlow Girl, and since watching the movie, I have to have that instrumental version of Amazing Grace like they play it at the end starting with the bag pipes and ending with the full ensamble. Tears!
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Waiting for Will's paycheck to deposit so I could order some Christmas presents.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? "Argh, why isn't my husband in here to turn the alarm off?" (He couldn't sleep and was up on the computer.)
50 random things about you! If you opened this, FILL IT OUT! Learn 50 things about your friends, and let them learn 50 things about you!
1. Do you like cheese? Ohhhh yes. Love it. All sorts.
2. Have you ever smoked? Yes, a long time ago. Took me forever to learn how to inhale. Heh.
3. Do you own a gun? Yup. Several of them.
4. Do you like listening to Christmas music? Love it.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Depends on what the appt's for.
6. What do you think of hot dogs? Like them. I only eat Hebrew Nat'l now though.
7. Favorite Christmas song? You gotta be kidding me. I could fill a page with my "favorite" Christmas songs. Little Drummer Boy and O Holy Night are two off the top of my head.
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Depends on what I'm having for breakfast. Either milk or iced tea, occasionally juice.
9. Can you do push ups? Yes.
10. Who is your favorite Grey's Anatomy Character? Never watched it.
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring.
12. Favorite hobby? Reading, I guess. I'm not even sure I have a hobby anymore. Does couponing count? LOL.
13. Do you eat "exotic" foods? If deer and caribou are exotic, then yes.
14. Do you have A.D.D.? No.
15. What one trait do you hate about yourself? Lack of self-worth. (Ha, is that an ironic answer?)
16. Middle Name? Danielle. When I was little I pronounced it "Danny-ell." Yes I'm that Southern.
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? My neck hurts. My head hurts. I wish all the groceries were put away.
18. Name 3 things you bought yesterday? Yesterday? Nothing, nothing, and nothing. Didn't have any money yesterday.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink? Iced tea, milk, water.
20. Current worry right now? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ - I hear ya, sister.
21. Current hate? Defiant children. I can handle dang near anything but a deliberately defiant kid, I just want to knock their teeth out.
22. Favorite place to be? In a clean, clutter free environment. I'm hardly ever there. Sigh.
23. How did you bring in the New Year? Uhhhhhh...... I've no idea. I've slept since then.
24. Where would you like to go? On an Alaskan cruise.
25. Name three people who will complete this? I doubt three people even read this. Heh.
26. Do you own flip flops? Yuck, hate them. No.
27. What shirt are you wearing? A purple tunic.
28. Do you like sleeping on satin sheets? Not sure that I ever have.
29. Can you whistle? Sort of. Not very well.
30. Favorite color? Jewel tones.
31. Would you be a pirate? Probably not. If I was one, I wouldn't do anything.
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don't take showers.
33. Favorite girl's name? Natalia (Talia for short) and Olivia. You'll note that neither of these names belongs to my daughter. Will hated them. Sigh.
34. Favorite boy's name? Seth.
35. What's in your pocket right now? A safety pin. Jacob was having me pin a small afghan around him like a cape yesterday and I forgot to put the pin away.
36. Last thing that made you laugh? The boys, but I don't remember for what.
37. Best bed sheets as a child? I have no idea.
38. Worst injury you've ever had? Broken ankle, I still have a pin in it.
39. Do you love where you live? As long as the electricity isn't out, sure.
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 4, one in each bedroom and the living room.
41. Who is your loudest friend? Nathan.
42. How many dogs do you have? One stoopid dog named Oreo.
43. Does someone have a crush on you? Well sure. He's had a crush on me for 16 years now. :P
44. Hmmm.. there's not a 44. I'll make one up. Do you get embarrassed easily? Hm, depends on what happens I think.
45. What is your favorite book? Lordie. I have shelves full of books that are my "favorite".
46. What is your favorite candy? Twix, if I had to choose one.
47. Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince theme song? Never could get into Fresh Prince. Will used to watch it though. I like to laugh at the stacked hair in reruns.
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? You Led Me by Barlow Girl, and since watching the movie, I have to have that instrumental version of Amazing Grace like they play it at the end starting with the bag pipes and ending with the full ensamble. Tears!
49. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Waiting for Will's paycheck to deposit so I could order some Christmas presents.
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? "Argh, why isn't my husband in here to turn the alarm off?" (He couldn't sleep and was up on the computer.)
Jacob funny...
...while I'm thinking about it. The other day he was in here playing on the couch and Dana was in my room watching TV with Will. I guess Will started tickling her because she started laughing and screeching "Noooo!" Jacob popped up from his cushions and yelled "My SISTER!!!!!!!!!" and took off into the bedroom to save her.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Nathan's Birthday
Well my little dimpled man is 8 years and approx 3 hours old now. I know you all know his birth story already so I won't bore you with that. Plus it always makes me cry - and not in a good way - and I just don't feel like going there tonight.
I think overall he had a good day. The cake topper did NOT come in (and lemme tell you, I am PISSED) and I could tell he was really underwhelmed with his cake (do you hear my heart breaking?) but I did the best I could do with no time to work on it. I just printed out several Star Wars coloring page pictures, colored them, and then stuck them around the cake with toothpicks, and wrote Happy Birthday Nathan! in the middle.
He got three Star Wars action figures, and he and Jake had fun playing SW until bedtime. We had to wait for Will to get home (two finals today) before we could do cake and presents so he was crawling the walls until then. I made him deer stew (using his specialty recipe - he is so funny - he took my basic stew recipe and added a couple of ingredients. It does turn out really good though) and rolls, and we had ice cream with the cake. Since he and Jake are both lactose intolerant, ice cream is a pretty rare treat so I always make sure we have some with birthday cakes.
His teacher sent home the note about the Terrific Kids today so I showed it to him and asked him if she had mentioned it to him yet. He couldn't figure out at first what it was, so I explained it to him, and OMG the SMILE on his face! He was so thrilled, and proud, and a little bashful about the whole thing. Truly sweet.
Now I'm just waiting for Will's paycheck to deposit so I can get some more Christmas presents ordered. *tapping fingers*
Oh and in case I forgot to mention, my brother is back in the states. He's been serving in Iraq since this summer. Our good family friend, Tyler, is back home too.
I think overall he had a good day. The cake topper did NOT come in (and lemme tell you, I am PISSED) and I could tell he was really underwhelmed with his cake (do you hear my heart breaking?) but I did the best I could do with no time to work on it. I just printed out several Star Wars coloring page pictures, colored them, and then stuck them around the cake with toothpicks, and wrote Happy Birthday Nathan! in the middle.
He got three Star Wars action figures, and he and Jake had fun playing SW until bedtime. We had to wait for Will to get home (two finals today) before we could do cake and presents so he was crawling the walls until then. I made him deer stew (using his specialty recipe - he is so funny - he took my basic stew recipe and added a couple of ingredients. It does turn out really good though) and rolls, and we had ice cream with the cake. Since he and Jake are both lactose intolerant, ice cream is a pretty rare treat so I always make sure we have some with birthday cakes.
His teacher sent home the note about the Terrific Kids today so I showed it to him and asked him if she had mentioned it to him yet. He couldn't figure out at first what it was, so I explained it to him, and OMG the SMILE on his face! He was so thrilled, and proud, and a little bashful about the whole thing. Truly sweet.
Now I'm just waiting for Will's paycheck to deposit so I can get some more Christmas presents ordered. *tapping fingers*
Oh and in case I forgot to mention, my brother is back in the states. He's been serving in Iraq since this summer. Our good family friend, Tyler, is back home too.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Congratulations, Frustrations, and Other Ramblings
Anyone else been having trouble being able to blog the past few days? The site wouldn't load all the way for me. Very annoying.
The congratulations - Dana won an ipod! She was selling snack items for Gifted/Talented, and whoever sold the most won an ipod. She sold $360 worth and was really hoping to win, so she's absolutely tickled that she did.
Also, Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I found out from his teacher today at his speech conference that he's been selected as this nine weeks' Kiwanis' Terrific Kid. He is going to be THRILLED. Dana has been selected twice, once in kindy and once last semester, and he asked me last time why he never gets selected. I tried to gently tell him that the teachers select someone that ....well, behaves better than he does LOL without making him feel too bad. But his teacher told me today she's so proud of the way he's been handling himself in class and on the playground. I almost cried. (OK, I did cry - on the way home from the school. Heh.)
The frustrations - Nathan's birthday is tomorrow, and I'm not sure the cake topper I ordered off ebay is going to get here in time. We don't do birthday parties, just a family celebration, so I like to really jazz things up with decorations and balloons and stuff and I'm going to be REALLY disappointed if it doesn't get here. The lady did go ahead and send it Priority even though I refused to pay extra for it (the auction ended last Wednesday and I sent her the info for it right after I paid, she didn't email me back until Monday night to ask me a question, and then wanted another $3 to upgrade shipping since I needed it by Thursday - I don't think so). She mailed it on Tuesday, so I pray it gets here tomorrow.
JCPenney sent us a notice yesterday that because of our credit rating with other vendors, they've dropped our limit to $100. ARGH. Ya'll know we don't get clothes very often, but Penney's is where Will likes to get his clothes when he goes to get something, and since he usually only buys clothes every few years, he'll spend $250+ when he does. And a lot of his shirts and jeans are wearing out, so I know he was planning to go shopping soon. Sigh.
I haven't finished my Christmas shopping yet. I keep finding great deals online but I just don't have the money to order them. Our only open major credit card is maxed out again, and Will cut up the debit card to the "extra" checking account (not that we have much available in there anyway) when I fussed at him for using it when he knew I was already having to cover an NSF fee with them a few weeks ago. So frustrating.
Will's still not positive he's going to pass Calculus. He made an F on his latest test. He still has a low 70s grade, but he hasn't taken the final yet and he has NOT done well on any of his tests yet (he's been depending on test corrections to bring his test grades up) so he's not overly confident he'll do well on it.
Other ramblings - I have another appointment with the surgeon on Monday. I have no idea why, when the lady called to set it up I asked her what it was for and she said she didn't even know, the doctor just told her he needed to see me again once he got back from vacation. I don't even want to speculate on what it's for.
The kids had a small program at church Sunday morning. Nothing major, they just sang a few songs. I'm teaching the 2 - 3 yo's this month so I had to bring them in (along with a half a dozen helpers LOL, I think we had one person per one to two kids) to ring some jingle bells along with the last song. They were cute. Dana wore a really pretty red dress with black velvet trim my mom gave her last Christmas, along with a red rose clip in her hair. I had to buy her some new dress shoes, she had none that fit. She was going to wear black tights, but I think they were about two sizes too small, they kept slipping down every time she bent over. Ooops. I ran into walgreens on the way to church and grabbed her a pair of pantyhose, she went into the bathroom at church and changed after we got there. Heh.
Our local Teen Challenge is having a rummage sale this weekend. They advertise clothes for $1 a bag. I think I'm going to have Will leave early for school tomorrow and see if they have any clothes Jacob's size. He has one long sleeve shirt that fits him right now. Even if we only scored three or four shirts, for $1 that would be great. Nathan could use some long sleeved shirts too. I know the kids are getting clothes from a couple of people for Christmas, so that will help.
Jacob was asleep when it was time for me to go get the kids off the bus today so I left him sleeping and slipped out the door (I just have to go down to the bottom of the driveway - about a quarter mile down). He was up with his shoes on and bawling his eyes out when I got back. Ooops. I guess he woke up as I was leaving and I didn't hear him. Poor baby.
Time to remake Jacob's bed (he wet the bed again last night, sigh) and make them go to bed. Maybe Will and I will have time to watch End of the Spear tonight.
OH and I don't think I've mentioned yet, Will has an interview with Chesapeake Drilling on the 22nd. He's really excited about this one, he's been interested in the company ever since they came to school and spoke with his class.
The congratulations - Dana won an ipod! She was selling snack items for Gifted/Talented, and whoever sold the most won an ipod. She sold $360 worth and was really hoping to win, so she's absolutely tickled that she did.
Also, Nathan doesn't know it yet, but I found out from his teacher today at his speech conference that he's been selected as this nine weeks' Kiwanis' Terrific Kid. He is going to be THRILLED. Dana has been selected twice, once in kindy and once last semester, and he asked me last time why he never gets selected. I tried to gently tell him that the teachers select someone that ....well, behaves better than he does LOL without making him feel too bad. But his teacher told me today she's so proud of the way he's been handling himself in class and on the playground. I almost cried. (OK, I did cry - on the way home from the school. Heh.)
The frustrations - Nathan's birthday is tomorrow, and I'm not sure the cake topper I ordered off ebay is going to get here in time. We don't do birthday parties, just a family celebration, so I like to really jazz things up with decorations and balloons and stuff and I'm going to be REALLY disappointed if it doesn't get here. The lady did go ahead and send it Priority even though I refused to pay extra for it (the auction ended last Wednesday and I sent her the info for it right after I paid, she didn't email me back until Monday night to ask me a question, and then wanted another $3 to upgrade shipping since I needed it by Thursday - I don't think so). She mailed it on Tuesday, so I pray it gets here tomorrow.
JCPenney sent us a notice yesterday that because of our credit rating with other vendors, they've dropped our limit to $100. ARGH. Ya'll know we don't get clothes very often, but Penney's is where Will likes to get his clothes when he goes to get something, and since he usually only buys clothes every few years, he'll spend $250+ when he does. And a lot of his shirts and jeans are wearing out, so I know he was planning to go shopping soon. Sigh.
I haven't finished my Christmas shopping yet. I keep finding great deals online but I just don't have the money to order them. Our only open major credit card is maxed out again, and Will cut up the debit card to the "extra" checking account (not that we have much available in there anyway) when I fussed at him for using it when he knew I was already having to cover an NSF fee with them a few weeks ago. So frustrating.
Will's still not positive he's going to pass Calculus. He made an F on his latest test. He still has a low 70s grade, but he hasn't taken the final yet and he has NOT done well on any of his tests yet (he's been depending on test corrections to bring his test grades up) so he's not overly confident he'll do well on it.
Other ramblings - I have another appointment with the surgeon on Monday. I have no idea why, when the lady called to set it up I asked her what it was for and she said she didn't even know, the doctor just told her he needed to see me again once he got back from vacation. I don't even want to speculate on what it's for.
The kids had a small program at church Sunday morning. Nothing major, they just sang a few songs. I'm teaching the 2 - 3 yo's this month so I had to bring them in (along with a half a dozen helpers LOL, I think we had one person per one to two kids) to ring some jingle bells along with the last song. They were cute. Dana wore a really pretty red dress with black velvet trim my mom gave her last Christmas, along with a red rose clip in her hair. I had to buy her some new dress shoes, she had none that fit. She was going to wear black tights, but I think they were about two sizes too small, they kept slipping down every time she bent over. Ooops. I ran into walgreens on the way to church and grabbed her a pair of pantyhose, she went into the bathroom at church and changed after we got there. Heh.
Our local Teen Challenge is having a rummage sale this weekend. They advertise clothes for $1 a bag. I think I'm going to have Will leave early for school tomorrow and see if they have any clothes Jacob's size. He has one long sleeve shirt that fits him right now. Even if we only scored three or four shirts, for $1 that would be great. Nathan could use some long sleeved shirts too. I know the kids are getting clothes from a couple of people for Christmas, so that will help.
Jacob was asleep when it was time for me to go get the kids off the bus today so I left him sleeping and slipped out the door (I just have to go down to the bottom of the driveway - about a quarter mile down). He was up with his shoes on and bawling his eyes out when I got back. Ooops. I guess he woke up as I was leaving and I didn't hear him. Poor baby.
Time to remake Jacob's bed (he wet the bed again last night, sigh) and make them go to bed. Maybe Will and I will have time to watch End of the Spear tonight.
OH and I don't think I've mentioned yet, Will has an interview with Chesapeake Drilling on the 22nd. He's really excited about this one, he's been interested in the company ever since they came to school and spoke with his class.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Oh, well, now it makes sense
I got the papers about my surgery in today. I have a "ventral" hernia, not a "vernacular" one. No wonder I couldn't find a definition that made any sense. Heh.
On a related note, I have to be on liquids only from 3pm the day before the surgery. UGH. At least with my c-sections they let me eat up until midnight. **grumble** At least Will will be home that day since his spring semester doesn't start until the next week, so I can make him cook supper for him and the kids. I hate cooking if I'm not going to get to eat any of it. Does that sound selfish? LOL. I don't care.
Found some good kids' Christmas gifts deals at amazon last night. Now I just have to wait and make sure Will's paycheck isn't short this week so I can go ahead and order them. He didn't work the weekend after Thanksgiving, but he thinks that with the holiday pay he's due (remember that a weekend is his regular "week") it won't affect his check. I hope so. We have GOT TO pay the car payment this week. I pray everyday that he doesn't go out to the parking lot at school and find that his car has been repo'ed.
Ha, speaking of money matters, I logged on to check our "extra" checking account the other day (the one that we only have because we had to open an account for auto draft pymts on the mobile home) to make sure they got our night deposit and saw that we had almost $500 in there. I knew that wasn't right so I clicked around and realized that they had deposited someone else's check into our account. It showed on the deposit slip when I pulled up the scan of it that they had credited it correctly, but something happened between the bank where the deposit took place and my bank. So I called and it took the girl a few minutes to figure out what had happened, but she finally got it figured out and reversed it. Durnit. (Just kidding of course, though a "free" $500 shopping spree would have been nice. Heh.)
Jacob has his 4 yo well child check tomorrow (just a few months late, LOL). I honestly can't even remember if I ever took him in for a 3 yo or not. But I know he needs some more shots before I can register him for kindy, so I can't miss this one.
Dana's ready for bed, she's got a headache, so I'm out of here.
On a related note, I have to be on liquids only from 3pm the day before the surgery. UGH. At least with my c-sections they let me eat up until midnight. **grumble** At least Will will be home that day since his spring semester doesn't start until the next week, so I can make him cook supper for him and the kids. I hate cooking if I'm not going to get to eat any of it. Does that sound selfish? LOL. I don't care.
Found some good kids' Christmas gifts deals at amazon last night. Now I just have to wait and make sure Will's paycheck isn't short this week so I can go ahead and order them. He didn't work the weekend after Thanksgiving, but he thinks that with the holiday pay he's due (remember that a weekend is his regular "week") it won't affect his check. I hope so. We have GOT TO pay the car payment this week. I pray everyday that he doesn't go out to the parking lot at school and find that his car has been repo'ed.
Ha, speaking of money matters, I logged on to check our "extra" checking account the other day (the one that we only have because we had to open an account for auto draft pymts on the mobile home) to make sure they got our night deposit and saw that we had almost $500 in there. I knew that wasn't right so I clicked around and realized that they had deposited someone else's check into our account. It showed on the deposit slip when I pulled up the scan of it that they had credited it correctly, but something happened between the bank where the deposit took place and my bank. So I called and it took the girl a few minutes to figure out what had happened, but she finally got it figured out and reversed it. Durnit. (Just kidding of course, though a "free" $500 shopping spree would have been nice. Heh.)
Jacob has his 4 yo well child check tomorrow (just a few months late, LOL). I honestly can't even remember if I ever took him in for a 3 yo or not. But I know he needs some more shots before I can register him for kindy, so I can't miss this one.
Dana's ready for bed, she's got a headache, so I'm out of here.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I have a surgery date. January 7. The doctor is going to try to do it laparoscopically, which means far less recovery time, so please pray that things go well and all that jazz.
M is for...
(BTW, Betchie, I spit my cap'n crunch out when I read your comment. No fair.)
So, here is a list of ten of my favorite M things.
Microwaves - because we set ours on fire last night and I will finally get a new one! We've had this teeny tiny little thing since we got married, and it was given to us used then. Barely big enough to hold a popped bag of popcorn, it is.
Music - music has shaped my life. My siblings introduced me to music at a very young age. I grew up listening to the Eagles, Journey, Pink Floyd, Bruce Springsteen, U2, REO Speedwagon, Styx, the list goes on and on. My teen years were spent with Bon Jovi, Poison, Winger, Whitesnake, White Lion, Bryan Adams, Metallica, again the list is a long one. Attempted some country for a couple of years but it didn't stick. Now my cd cases are filled with Seventh Day Slumber, Flyleaf, Third Day, Jeremy Camp, Skillet, Red, and far more than I could list here. I am thankful beyond words for good, hard, rocking Christian music.
Movies - everything from sob stories to chick flicks to action, I love movies. Especially THE PATRIOT. *sticks tongue out at Betch* (Yes, I watched it again last week and thought of you and everything you're missing.) You can keep the horror and scary suspense though. My dreams are bad enough without those images in my head, thank you very much. Thank you Pixar for providing movies that my kids love and are funny and well written enough for me to not get tired of watching/listening to them over and over and over, because you understand kids and what makes them tick.
Moms - I may not have the greatest of relationships with my own mom (though it's not a bad one) but without my fellow jinglemoms I wouldn't be the person I am today. You have given me advice, inspiration, shoulders to cry on, stories to laugh at, friendship, acceptance, and so much more over the past ten years. Thank you.
Messenger - without it, I wouldn't get to talk to real, actual adults nearly as often so yes, I'm thankful for messenger.
Mornings - I may like to sleep through a good portion of them, but it doesn't mean I'm not thankful they're there. Each morning is another opportunity for me to watch my kids grow up a little bit more and tell my hubby I love him.
Mordecai - yes, the guy from the Bible. His story serves to remind me that no matter how bad things around us look, God is still in control and he is ever moving HIS people into position to bring about HIS will. Mordecai also reminds me that no action, big or small, is ever forgotten.
Milk - I love milk. I love the smoothness, I love the richness (keep that nasty skim stuff away from me, please), I love how it compliments sweets so perfectly well. I love the milk my body produced for my babies for so many years. I love how you can take milk and turn it into so many things - butter, cheese, yogurt, ice cream - all things that I love.
Mexican food - we were just laughing Sunday about how much Mexican food I ate when I was pregnant with Dana, and how the kids all love Mexican food as much as I do. Did you know the only Mexican food I ever ate growing up was taco salad (served over Fritos) and chili? I think I could eat Mexican food every day and not get tired of it. And what goes wonderfully with Mexican food?
Margaritas - they may be just an occasional treat for me since I'm really not the lush I may seem to be, but if I had to choose just one alcoholic beverage that I could have for the rest of my life, it would be a margarita. Tangy, sweet, mmmm mmm mmmmm.
There! I did it! Ten of my favorite things that begin with the letter M. I hope you enjoyed reading my list.
Editing - I'm going to add one more, if'n ya don't mind -
Matthew - my oldest nephew, who I think is currently struggling to find his real place in this world. He was the first baby I ever got to really have a hand in "raising" (they lived right next door and his mom is kind of a whack job, so he was at our house a lot) and I would have taken him with me everywhere if they'd have let me. I doted on that child. I can remember him sitting in his carseat watching me get ready for school, riding with us to church, sleeping in his crib just down the hall. As he grew into a toddler and older, it became apparent that he had a wicked funny sense of humor, and he still does. He was five years old when Will and I got married, and Will remarked (after being pelted with rice) "That kid's going to play baseball someday." He's currently attending college with a baseball scholarship. I don't get to see him that much anymore because he's off doing his own thing, and I miss him, but I hope he finds happiness and peace in whatever he decides to do.
OK, I'm done.
So, here is a list of ten of my favorite M things.
Microwaves - because we set ours on fire last night and I will finally get a new one! We've had this teeny tiny little thing since we got married, and it was given to us used then. Barely big enough to hold a popped bag of popcorn, it is.
Music - music has shaped my life. My siblings introduced me to music at a very young age. I grew up listening to the Eagles, Journey, Pink Floyd, Bruce Springsteen, U2, REO Speedwagon, Styx, the list goes on and on. My teen years were spent with Bon Jovi, Poison, Winger, Whitesnake, White Lion, Bryan Adams, Metallica, again the list is a long one. Attempted some country for a couple of years but it didn't stick. Now my cd cases are filled with Seventh Day Slumber, Flyleaf, Third Day, Jeremy Camp, Skillet, Red, and far more than I could list here. I am thankful beyond words for good, hard, rocking Christian music.
Movies - everything from sob stories to chick flicks to action, I love movies. Especially THE PATRIOT. *sticks tongue out at Betch* (Yes, I watched it again last week and thought of you and everything you're missing.) You can keep the horror and scary suspense though. My dreams are bad enough without those images in my head, thank you very much. Thank you Pixar for providing movies that my kids love and are funny and well written enough for me to not get tired of watching/listening to them over and over and over, because you understand kids and what makes them tick.
Moms - I may not have the greatest of relationships with my own mom (though it's not a bad one) but without my fellow jinglemoms I wouldn't be the person I am today. You have given me advice, inspiration, shoulders to cry on, stories to laugh at, friendship, acceptance, and so much more over the past ten years. Thank you.
Messenger - without it, I wouldn't get to talk to real, actual adults nearly as often so yes, I'm thankful for messenger.
Mornings - I may like to sleep through a good portion of them, but it doesn't mean I'm not thankful they're there. Each morning is another opportunity for me to watch my kids grow up a little bit more and tell my hubby I love him.
Mordecai - yes, the guy from the Bible. His story serves to remind me that no matter how bad things around us look, God is still in control and he is ever moving HIS people into position to bring about HIS will. Mordecai also reminds me that no action, big or small, is ever forgotten.
Milk - I love milk. I love the smoothness, I love the richness (keep that nasty skim stuff away from me, please), I love how it compliments sweets so perfectly well. I love the milk my body produced for my babies for so many years. I love how you can take milk and turn it into so many things - butter, cheese, yogurt, ice cream - all things that I love.
Mexican food - we were just laughing Sunday about how much Mexican food I ate when I was pregnant with Dana, and how the kids all love Mexican food as much as I do. Did you know the only Mexican food I ever ate growing up was taco salad (served over Fritos) and chili? I think I could eat Mexican food every day and not get tired of it. And what goes wonderfully with Mexican food?
Margaritas - they may be just an occasional treat for me since I'm really not the lush I may seem to be, but if I had to choose just one alcoholic beverage that I could have for the rest of my life, it would be a margarita. Tangy, sweet, mmmm mmm mmmmm.
There! I did it! Ten of my favorite things that begin with the letter M. I hope you enjoyed reading my list.
Editing - I'm going to add one more, if'n ya don't mind -
Matthew - my oldest nephew, who I think is currently struggling to find his real place in this world. He was the first baby I ever got to really have a hand in "raising" (they lived right next door and his mom is kind of a whack job, so he was at our house a lot) and I would have taken him with me everywhere if they'd have let me. I doted on that child. I can remember him sitting in his carseat watching me get ready for school, riding with us to church, sleeping in his crib just down the hall. As he grew into a toddler and older, it became apparent that he had a wicked funny sense of humor, and he still does. He was five years old when Will and I got married, and Will remarked (after being pelted with rice) "That kid's going to play baseball someday." He's currently attending college with a baseball scholarship. I don't get to see him that much anymore because he's off doing his own thing, and I miss him, but I hope he finds happiness and peace in whatever he decides to do.
OK, I'm done.
Monday, December 1, 2008
It's definitely a hernia, and it will require surgery. I don't know much more than that at the moment. Nurse said it's a "vernacular" hernia, but I can't seem to find out exactly what that means. I'm guessing it's a descriptive term rather than an actual type.
I picked up the box of teaching supplies after church yesterday (I'll be teaching the 2 - 3 yo's in December if I'm able) and got most of it ready today. I just need to have some copies made and buy a couple of things for the crafts. I want to get it all done now so I can leave it at the church, in case I have to have someone fill in for me, so they won't have to get everything put together last minute.
Next Monday is Will's last day of regular classes for this semester. He's got two finals next week, one the following Monday, and one more that hasn't been scheduled yet. HE HAS GOT TO PASS CALCULUS. This is his third time at attempting calculus. He's doing better this time around, but it's still iffy. If he can just get through this semester - THIS SEMESTER WHICH MEANS HE HAS TO PASS CALCULUS - then his last semester's going to be fairly easy. And then he will be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I will have my husband back!
Dana raised $360 for her G/T fundraiser. I really hope she wins the ipod, she'll be so tickled if she does. Her teacher told her she's got a really good chance at it, but she'll find out Friday for sure.
I woodburned a lion for the school auction (our mascot is the Lions). It...did not turn out as well as I hoped. It doesn't look bad, in fact the only thing I'm really not pleased with is the shading on the back leg. I just could not get the hang of the shading tool. Oh well, hopefully it looks good enough that somebody will buy it.
Speaking of buying, I really wish I could sell some of my hangings. *cry* I keep renewing the listings every few days to move them back to the top, and they've got lots of views, but no sales yet. Will keeps telling me to lower the price to get the first few moved, but I really don't feel like they're overpriced and if I lower the price it's going to seem (to me) like I'm giving up on them. That may sound silly, but it is what it is.
Our church does a Christmas ministry each year, we took our wrapped gifts in Sunday. Our age group was 7 - 9 yo. I still had two big dinosaur floor puzzles put back for bday parties from last year, so I wrapped them up for the boys' gifts, then I put together little gift bags with three Bonne Bell Lipsmackers, three wild colored nail polish, and a small notebook and a couple of Christmas pencils for the girls' gifts. I think they'll all be well received. I'm doing some of the lipsmackers and nail polish for Dana's Christmas too.
Time to start baths. Betch, get to feeling better. Oh and I forgot to ever ask for a letter! I need a letter please! If I could find the Scattergories die, I'd just roll myself one. But it's been lost forever.
I picked up the box of teaching supplies after church yesterday (I'll be teaching the 2 - 3 yo's in December if I'm able) and got most of it ready today. I just need to have some copies made and buy a couple of things for the crafts. I want to get it all done now so I can leave it at the church, in case I have to have someone fill in for me, so they won't have to get everything put together last minute.
Next Monday is Will's last day of regular classes for this semester. He's got two finals next week, one the following Monday, and one more that hasn't been scheduled yet. HE HAS GOT TO PASS CALCULUS. This is his third time at attempting calculus. He's doing better this time around, but it's still iffy. If he can just get through this semester - THIS SEMESTER WHICH MEANS HE HAS TO PASS CALCULUS - then his last semester's going to be fairly easy. And then he will be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and I will have my husband back!
Dana raised $360 for her G/T fundraiser. I really hope she wins the ipod, she'll be so tickled if she does. Her teacher told her she's got a really good chance at it, but she'll find out Friday for sure.
I woodburned a lion for the school auction (our mascot is the Lions). It...did not turn out as well as I hoped. It doesn't look bad, in fact the only thing I'm really not pleased with is the shading on the back leg. I just could not get the hang of the shading tool. Oh well, hopefully it looks good enough that somebody will buy it.
Speaking of buying, I really wish I could sell some of my hangings. *cry* I keep renewing the listings every few days to move them back to the top, and they've got lots of views, but no sales yet. Will keeps telling me to lower the price to get the first few moved, but I really don't feel like they're overpriced and if I lower the price it's going to seem (to me) like I'm giving up on them. That may sound silly, but it is what it is.
Our church does a Christmas ministry each year, we took our wrapped gifts in Sunday. Our age group was 7 - 9 yo. I still had two big dinosaur floor puzzles put back for bday parties from last year, so I wrapped them up for the boys' gifts, then I put together little gift bags with three Bonne Bell Lipsmackers, three wild colored nail polish, and a small notebook and a couple of Christmas pencils for the girls' gifts. I think they'll all be well received. I'm doing some of the lipsmackers and nail polish for Dana's Christmas too.
Time to start baths. Betch, get to feeling better. Oh and I forgot to ever ask for a letter! I need a letter please! If I could find the Scattergories die, I'd just roll myself one. But it's been lost forever.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
My eventful CAT scan
See, I knew there was a reason I was nervous. I don't get nervous about stuff like this unless there's a reason.
Here's how it went down - I sat in the waiting room for about fifteen minutes, watching CNN or whatever news show they had on (until our President Elect came on to give a speech, then I watched the floor) and the tech brought out a big styrofoam cup of vile liquid for me to drink. I sniffed of it and took a sip and glared at him as he told me he'd be back in about twenty minutes for me.
Managed to get all of said vile liquid down without throwing it back up (during which a fire alarm went off for at least two solid minutes, we never did find out what "Code Red in the (whatever) room" meant but the people in the office didn't seem concerned so I guess it didn't affect us) and the tech, true to his word, came back to get me. He also brought out another cup of vile liquid for the man sitting across from me, who wanted to know if that was the same stuff "that girl over there" (me) was making faces at. Heh. I snickered. Out loud. Sorry, dude.
So we walked to the room where I could change my clothes (actually they let me keep my clothes on - except for my bra - since I was wearing stuff with no zippers or snaps, go me!) so I took my bra off and sat around feeling like I was getting ready to audition for a very demeaning episode of the Jerry Springer show. The tech came back in and got me and we headed across the hall. He made small talk for a bit while he got stuff sat up - I found out that he used to come hang out (and get drunk) in the town that Will and I grew up in. Cool. I didn't ask him who he knew there, I didn't want to make too much of a connection with the guy who was seeing me in all my floppy braless glory, ya know?
But anyway, he finished getting everything ready and I laid back on the table (yes Beth, I had a pillow, thank goodness for that at least LOL). He made sure I had no shellfish allergies and told me I was crazy because I didn't like shrimp and crab and lobster, and asked to make sure I was not pregnant or nursing, then put the IV in my arm (took a few pokes, as usual) and explained to me about the machine. Ran the table in and did a few scans, and then ran the table back out and came over to put the dye through my IV. Explained what the dye was going to feel like, it would feel warm, possibly leave a metallic taste in the mouth, etc etc. Turned the dye drip on (or whatever they do) and had me put my arm back above my head and ran the table back into the machine.
(Here's where things get eventful.)
The machine tells you several times to breathe, then to breathe in and hold your breath and it counts down how long you need to hold your breath. I had done this a couple of times already so I was watching the numbers count down until I could breathe again and thinking "Dang, I wonder if this stuff is going to hurt going through the rest of my body as much as it does my arm?" About that time he walks over to me and says "What the?.....SHIT!" Erm, that's seriously not what I wanted to hear come out of your mouth, dude. He ran to the back of the room and I laid there wondering if I was having an allergic reaction and was about to pass out, or what, and he came up and grabbed my arm and yanked the IV out and muttered something along the lines of "Does that not HURT?!?" and then I glanced at my arm and it looked like a freaking baseball was laying on my upper arm.
My vein had blown and all the dye went straight into my arm instead of my bloodstream. So of course when I realized that this amount of pain was not normal and was not going to go away any time soon, suddenly it was unbearable. I'm glad he had already removed the IV because I probably would have yanked it out myself trying to get my arm back to normal. (BTW, this is why I can't have codiene because I have this kind of uncontrollable panicked reaction to stuff.)
I sat up for a few minutes while he went and got somebody to confer with (who it was, I have no idea - though I'm sure he told me LOL). I got myself calmed back down enough to finish the CAT scan (but NOT with another attempt at the needle and dye, thank goodness. That would not have gone over well at that point) so I hope and pray they got the pictures that they needed.
I had to sit in a room for a bit with a warm washcloth on my arm until they felt comfortable enough to send me home. Then I had to put my bra back on (AGONY!!!!! I literally could not make my arm reach all the way over to my body, I really doubt I even got the thing on straight) and drive home - a 45 minute drive. I propped my arm up as best I could and made it home, but it wasn't easy. Came in and the kids were just finishing up hanging the last of the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Awww.
One of them said "Mama? What's wrong with your arm?" and that's when I burst into tears. Will took one look at me and told me to go lay down. So I did. I spent the rest of the day in bed watching movies (and napping) while they all waited on me. That was one good thing about it I guess. Heh.
Oh and Dana's such a doll, she didn't know that I had already made the desserts to take to Thanksgiving dinner ahead of time (because I knew - see! I knew - I wasn't going to feel like it after my CAT scan) so she came in there and nervously said "Mama, if you'll tell me how to make the banana pudding and the lemon bars, I'll try my best to make them for you if Daddy will help me." **melt** She was so relieved when I told her they were already taken care of.
The swelling was about 95% gone when I got up this morning, thank God for that. I was able to drive to dinner without any problems, I just had to keep my arm propped up on a jacket on top of the arm rest and remind Nathan a dozen times not to bang my arm (he sits up front now).
And now I need to go load the dishwasher, do my reading, and go to bed. I'm tired.
A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Here's how it went down - I sat in the waiting room for about fifteen minutes, watching CNN or whatever news show they had on (until our President Elect came on to give a speech, then I watched the floor) and the tech brought out a big styrofoam cup of vile liquid for me to drink. I sniffed of it and took a sip and glared at him as he told me he'd be back in about twenty minutes for me.
Managed to get all of said vile liquid down without throwing it back up (during which a fire alarm went off for at least two solid minutes, we never did find out what "Code Red in the (whatever) room" meant but the people in the office didn't seem concerned so I guess it didn't affect us) and the tech, true to his word, came back to get me. He also brought out another cup of vile liquid for the man sitting across from me, who wanted to know if that was the same stuff "that girl over there" (me) was making faces at. Heh. I snickered. Out loud. Sorry, dude.
So we walked to the room where I could change my clothes (actually they let me keep my clothes on - except for my bra - since I was wearing stuff with no zippers or snaps, go me!) so I took my bra off and sat around feeling like I was getting ready to audition for a very demeaning episode of the Jerry Springer show. The tech came back in and got me and we headed across the hall. He made small talk for a bit while he got stuff sat up - I found out that he used to come hang out (and get drunk) in the town that Will and I grew up in. Cool. I didn't ask him who he knew there, I didn't want to make too much of a connection with the guy who was seeing me in all my floppy braless glory, ya know?
But anyway, he finished getting everything ready and I laid back on the table (yes Beth, I had a pillow, thank goodness for that at least LOL). He made sure I had no shellfish allergies and told me I was crazy because I didn't like shrimp and crab and lobster, and asked to make sure I was not pregnant or nursing, then put the IV in my arm (took a few pokes, as usual) and explained to me about the machine. Ran the table in and did a few scans, and then ran the table back out and came over to put the dye through my IV. Explained what the dye was going to feel like, it would feel warm, possibly leave a metallic taste in the mouth, etc etc. Turned the dye drip on (or whatever they do) and had me put my arm back above my head and ran the table back into the machine.
(Here's where things get eventful.)
The machine tells you several times to breathe, then to breathe in and hold your breath and it counts down how long you need to hold your breath. I had done this a couple of times already so I was watching the numbers count down until I could breathe again and thinking "Dang, I wonder if this stuff is going to hurt going through the rest of my body as much as it does my arm?" About that time he walks over to me and says "What the?.....SHIT!" Erm, that's seriously not what I wanted to hear come out of your mouth, dude. He ran to the back of the room and I laid there wondering if I was having an allergic reaction and was about to pass out, or what, and he came up and grabbed my arm and yanked the IV out and muttered something along the lines of "Does that not HURT?!?" and then I glanced at my arm and it looked like a freaking baseball was laying on my upper arm.
My vein had blown and all the dye went straight into my arm instead of my bloodstream. So of course when I realized that this amount of pain was not normal and was not going to go away any time soon, suddenly it was unbearable. I'm glad he had already removed the IV because I probably would have yanked it out myself trying to get my arm back to normal. (BTW, this is why I can't have codiene because I have this kind of uncontrollable panicked reaction to stuff.)
I sat up for a few minutes while he went and got somebody to confer with (who it was, I have no idea - though I'm sure he told me LOL). I got myself calmed back down enough to finish the CAT scan (but NOT with another attempt at the needle and dye, thank goodness. That would not have gone over well at that point) so I hope and pray they got the pictures that they needed.
I had to sit in a room for a bit with a warm washcloth on my arm until they felt comfortable enough to send me home. Then I had to put my bra back on (AGONY!!!!! I literally could not make my arm reach all the way over to my body, I really doubt I even got the thing on straight) and drive home - a 45 minute drive. I propped my arm up as best I could and made it home, but it wasn't easy. Came in and the kids were just finishing up hanging the last of the ornaments on the Christmas tree. Awww.
One of them said "Mama? What's wrong with your arm?" and that's when I burst into tears. Will took one look at me and told me to go lay down. So I did. I spent the rest of the day in bed watching movies (and napping) while they all waited on me. That was one good thing about it I guess. Heh.
Oh and Dana's such a doll, she didn't know that I had already made the desserts to take to Thanksgiving dinner ahead of time (because I knew - see! I knew - I wasn't going to feel like it after my CAT scan) so she came in there and nervously said "Mama, if you'll tell me how to make the banana pudding and the lemon bars, I'll try my best to make them for you if Daddy will help me." **melt** She was so relieved when I told her they were already taken care of.
The swelling was about 95% gone when I got up this morning, thank God for that. I was able to drive to dinner without any problems, I just had to keep my arm propped up on a jacket on top of the arm rest and remind Nathan a dozen times not to bang my arm (he sits up front now).
And now I need to go load the dishwasher, do my reading, and go to bed. I'm tired.
A belated Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Why my husband is a goober
I was running a bath a bit ago so I could wash my hair for tomorrow. While the water was running, I came and leaned against Will's back while he was doing his homework. He asked me what was wrong and I told him I was just a little nervous.
He said, "No reason to be nervous..........I have seen you naked before."
*roll eyes*
(Oh, BTW Mel, I have a large ...mass... in my abdomen that the doctor is pretty sure is a hernia, but they need to get a good look at it before I go into surgery.)
He said, "No reason to be nervous..........I have seen you naked before."
*roll eyes*
(Oh, BTW Mel, I have a large ...mass... in my abdomen that the doctor is pretty sure is a hernia, but they need to get a good look at it before I go into surgery.)
Monday, November 24, 2008
So I have a CT scan on Wednesday
Should I be nervous? I'm not nervous...mostly. Maybe just a little. But not much. I googled it to find out just what they'd be doing. I guess I need to call to see if they plan to give me a sedative since I'll need someone to drive me if they do.
I'm not nervous. Mostly. But I am glad to finally (hopefully!) be finding out what's going on in there.
Not nervous.
I'm not nervous. Mostly. But I am glad to finally (hopefully!) be finding out what's going on in there.
Not nervous.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Neat little quiz

You are an Ingrid -- "I am unique"
Ingrids have sensitive feelings and are warm and perceptive.
How to Get Along with Me
* Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me.
* Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me to learn to love and value myself.
* Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision.
* Though I don't always want to be cheered up when I'm feeling melancholy, I sometimes like to have someone lighten me up a little.
* Don't tell me I'm too sensitive or that I'm overreacting!
What I Like About Being an Ingrid
* my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feeling at a deep level
* my ability to establish warm connections with people
* admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life
* my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor
* being unique and being seen as unique by others
* having aesthetic sensibilities
* being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me
What's Hard About Being an Ingrid
* experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair
* feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don't deserve to be loved
* feeling guilty when I disappoint people
* feeling hurt or attacked when someone misundertands me
* expecting too much from myself and life
* fearing being abandoned
* obsessing over resentments
* longing for what I don't have
Ingrids as Children Often
* have active imaginations: play creatively alone or organize playmates in original games
* are very sensitive
* feel that they don't fit in
* believe they are missing something that other people have
* attach themselves to idealized teachers, heroes, artists, etc.
* become antiauthoritarian or rebellious when criticized or not understood
* feel lonely or abandoned (perhaps as a result of a death or their parents' divorce)
Ingrids as Parents
* help their children become who they really are
* support their children's creativity and originality
* are good at helping their children get in touch with their feelings
* are sometimes overly critical or overly protective
* are usually very good with children if not too self-absorbed
Ingrids have sensitive feelings and are warm and perceptive.
How to Get Along with Me
* Give me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me.
* Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me to learn to love and value myself.
* Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision.
* Though I don't always want to be cheered up when I'm feeling melancholy, I sometimes like to have someone lighten me up a little.
* Don't tell me I'm too sensitive or that I'm overreacting!
What I Like About Being an Ingrid
* my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feeling at a deep level
* my ability to establish warm connections with people
* admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life
* my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor
* being unique and being seen as unique by others
* having aesthetic sensibilities
* being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around me
What's Hard About Being an Ingrid
* experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair
* feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don't deserve to be loved
* feeling guilty when I disappoint people
* feeling hurt or attacked when someone misundertands me
* expecting too much from myself and life
* fearing being abandoned
* obsessing over resentments
* longing for what I don't have
Ingrids as Children Often
* have active imaginations: play creatively alone or organize playmates in original games
* are very sensitive
* feel that they don't fit in
* believe they are missing something that other people have
* attach themselves to idealized teachers, heroes, artists, etc.
* become antiauthoritarian or rebellious when criticized or not understood
* feel lonely or abandoned (perhaps as a result of a death or their parents' divorce)
Ingrids as Parents
* help their children become who they really are
* support their children's creativity and originality
* are good at helping their children get in touch with their feelings
* are sometimes overly critical or overly protective
* are usually very good with children if not too self-absorbed
Quiz stolen from Betchie, found at:
Friday, November 21, 2008
I know the ones reading my blog right now already know me and how I coupon shop, so you'll understand.
Jacob and I were shopping today and he was in a *M*O*O*D*. He's normally not bad at the store at all, but good heavens. Allll the way through Kroger and allll the way through Walmart he was whining, throwing a fit because I wouldn't buy every single thing he picked up, walking about fifty paces behind me and dropping to the floor if I tried to go get him to walk closer, etc. The stores were packed too, people all shopping for their Thanksgiving cooking.
So I'm in Walmart and I'm already distracted (see above) and I see Chex cereal for $1.66/box. I think, 'Hey, I've got $1 off one coupons, that's .66 a box! Alllll right!' So I quickly count out my coupons and throw the boxes in the cart. Pick up the rest of the stuff I was getting there and we head to the checkout. I grumble to myself that I can't use the u-scan as we pass them (because they have them set to accept one - yes, ONE - coupon per order before calling over the CSM. RIDICULOUS). Find a cashier with a reasonable line.
I spend fifteen minutes arguing with Jacob that we still have scads of candy at home and he does not need all the packages of candy he was picking up, while the lady in front of me gets finished checking out. So then I get up there and the cashier scans my few things and I hand her my coupons. First she spreads them alllllll out and starts reading over every one. I HATE THAT. I am very patient though and just spend my time talking to Jacob (who is still whining). The cashier would scan like one coupon, maybe two, and then print out a copy of the receipt to make sure I wasn't pulling anything over on her. I HATE THAT. Still trying to be patient - breathe in, breathe out. Finally she spends a full minute reading over one coupon and just as I'm about to snap at her 'Is there a problem?' she hands me the coupon and says "I don't think you bought the right brand of cereal to use this."
I look at it and it's one of my $1 off coupons for the Chex. I sigh and impatiently grab one of the boxes of cereal out and say "Yes, here is.........um, General Mills cereal. And that's a Kellogg's coupon. Er, sorry." I turn about fifteen shades of red as I quickly flip through my binder to find the right coupons (which were $1 off TWO, not one, but still not a terrible price for Chex) and trade them out with her.
I guess it happens to the best of us, eh? (I still hate Walmart though, and only shop there for deals I can't get in the other stores. So there.)
Jacob and I were shopping today and he was in a *M*O*O*D*. He's normally not bad at the store at all, but good heavens. Allll the way through Kroger and allll the way through Walmart he was whining, throwing a fit because I wouldn't buy every single thing he picked up, walking about fifty paces behind me and dropping to the floor if I tried to go get him to walk closer, etc. The stores were packed too, people all shopping for their Thanksgiving cooking.
So I'm in Walmart and I'm already distracted (see above) and I see Chex cereal for $1.66/box. I think, 'Hey, I've got $1 off one coupons, that's .66 a box! Alllll right!' So I quickly count out my coupons and throw the boxes in the cart. Pick up the rest of the stuff I was getting there and we head to the checkout. I grumble to myself that I can't use the u-scan as we pass them (because they have them set to accept one - yes, ONE - coupon per order before calling over the CSM. RIDICULOUS). Find a cashier with a reasonable line.
I spend fifteen minutes arguing with Jacob that we still have scads of candy at home and he does not need all the packages of candy he was picking up, while the lady in front of me gets finished checking out. So then I get up there and the cashier scans my few things and I hand her my coupons. First she spreads them alllllll out and starts reading over every one. I HATE THAT. I am very patient though and just spend my time talking to Jacob (who is still whining). The cashier would scan like one coupon, maybe two, and then print out a copy of the receipt to make sure I wasn't pulling anything over on her. I HATE THAT. Still trying to be patient - breathe in, breathe out. Finally she spends a full minute reading over one coupon and just as I'm about to snap at her 'Is there a problem?' she hands me the coupon and says "I don't think you bought the right brand of cereal to use this."
I look at it and it's one of my $1 off coupons for the Chex. I sigh and impatiently grab one of the boxes of cereal out and say "Yes, here is.........um, General Mills cereal. And that's a Kellogg's coupon. Er, sorry." I turn about fifteen shades of red as I quickly flip through my binder to find the right coupons (which were $1 off TWO, not one, but still not a terrible price for Chex) and trade them out with her.
I guess it happens to the best of us, eh? (I still hate Walmart though, and only shop there for deals I can't get in the other stores. So there.)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
What's taters, Precious?
I was putting on a big crockpot full of potato soup this morning for supper, and - as always happens when I'm fixing anything with potatoes, seriously - I said to myself "What's taters, Precious?"
I see myself in fifty years, fixing supper, saying "What's taters, Precious?" I don't think that will ever not make me laugh.
I see myself in fifty years, fixing supper, saying "What's taters, Precious?" I don't think that will ever not make me laugh.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
How do they know us?
"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." ~ John 13:34-35
I've been thinking recently how we, both as Christians and as a society, have lost the sense of community over the past few generations. We're a selfish people, a suspicious people, a people that are far more concerned about looking out for ourselves and our immediate circle than for our fellow man.
Those thoughts brought me to the above verse, and then I got to thinking about how the world perceives us as Christians. Ask someone outside of the faith what they think of "Christians" or "the Christian church" in general, and I guarantee you the first thing out of their mouth is not going to be that we show to each other and those around us the love that Christ showed us.
Jesus didn't tell his disciples (and us) that people would know we belong to him because we browbeat sinners, or because we display a cross, or because we have an Ichthys fish on our car, or because we have a pro-life sign in our yard. He said they would know because we love one another. Sounds pretty simple.
So why isn't it?
I've been thinking recently how we, both as Christians and as a society, have lost the sense of community over the past few generations. We're a selfish people, a suspicious people, a people that are far more concerned about looking out for ourselves and our immediate circle than for our fellow man.
Those thoughts brought me to the above verse, and then I got to thinking about how the world perceives us as Christians. Ask someone outside of the faith what they think of "Christians" or "the Christian church" in general, and I guarantee you the first thing out of their mouth is not going to be that we show to each other and those around us the love that Christ showed us.
Jesus didn't tell his disciples (and us) that people would know we belong to him because we browbeat sinners, or because we display a cross, or because we have an Ichthys fish on our car, or because we have a pro-life sign in our yard. He said they would know because we love one another. Sounds pretty simple.
So why isn't it?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Well, I'm here
Betchie, I hope you're happy. You finally wore me down. :P
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. ~ Revelation 19:11
I needed to be reminded of the one who is Faithful and True today, so thanks for your blog.
I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. ~ Revelation 19:11
I needed to be reminded of the one who is Faithful and True today, so thanks for your blog.
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